- Who -
Who are the main decision makers now? Who has specific requirements to keep in mind? Are there future in-laws or children to think about now in this purchase?
- When -
When do you see yourself and your family purchasing a new home? When will it suit you best to move?
- Where -
Which East Bay city do you see yourself and your family moving into? Where are your favorite neighborhoods? Where would you like to get your morning coffee? Where is the nearest transportation?
- What -
What type of property are you looking for? Single family homes, town homes, or condos? How many bedrooms? Bathrooms? Does your family need outdoor space? Off street parking?
- How -
How are your finances? Have you spoken with a bank, credit union, or lender? Do you plan on using financing or buying cash? Have you been pre-approved?
- Why -
Why are you wanting to buy now? Is this purchase a forever home? Or is this purchase a 5 year home? A 10 year home? Are you in a rush to buy or when it suits you?